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Customize Example

Let's say you have an example component SimpleButton.vue:

<script setup lang="ts">
import MyButton from "../MyButton.vue"

  <MyButton variant="primary">Simple Button</MyButton>

This is an **example** docs `that` shows above the playground.

It gets rendered into:


<docs> block

You can use the <docs> block in a .vue file to write markdown docs for your example.

It also accepts some special attributes:

  • previewClass: Adding class names to the preview div. Eg. you could change the background with previewClass="bg-navy". bg-navy is a custom class name that is NOT bundled with VitePlay, you'll need to write your own CSS and import it in the iframe wrapper.
  • darkPreview: If you want to use a dark preview, you can add this attribute, it's the same as previewClass="dark"

Dark Example Preview

This example will render with a default black background:

<script setup lang="ts">
import MyButton from "../MyButton.vue"

  <MyButton variant="primary">Simple Button</MyButton>

<docs darkPreview />

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