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Customize the Iframe

The previews for your examples are rendered in iframes so that we can isolate the component styles and avoid conflicts with VitePlay's UI.

VitePlay accepts a viteplay.iframe.js or viteplay.iframe.ts file in your project root to customize how the example is rendered in the iframe:

import VitePlayWrapper from "./VitePlayWrapper.vue"

export default {
  // Optional Wrapper component for the example
  Wrapper: VitePlayWrapper,
  // Optional function to extend the Vue app instance
  extend({ app }) {
    // app is the Vue app instance
    // you can add Vue plugins normally like this:
    // app.use(SomePlugin)

In general, if you want to customize the rendered preview, like applying some global CSS, you can do this either in viteplay.iframe.js or in the Wrapper component you import in here.

Here is an example of what your VitePlayWrapper.vue could look like:

<script setup></script>

  <slot />

<style lang="scss">
// import global CSS styles so they are applied to the VitePlay preview iframe
@import "./global.css";

// you can target `html`, `body` and `#app` to add extra styling as well.


If you use TS, you will have to add "./viteplay.iframe.ts" to the "include": [...] array in your tsconfig.json.

Centering all example previews

Here is an example of what your VitePlayWrapper.vue could look like if you want all example previews to be centered:

<script setup></script>

  <slot />

<style lang="scss">
// all VitePlay example previews centered.
body {
  height: 100%;
body {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  margin: 0;

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